At the Student Success Center we are committed to sure that you Succeed in your classes. We accomplish this by having tutors, events, and a testing environment that is professional and safe for all.

Personal Enrichment

Take a Meditation Vacation. Benefits of Meditation include:

  • Stress Management
  • Body Relaxation & Focus
  • Explore levels of Counsciousness
  • Increase Energy
  • Release Negativity & Anxiety
  • Stimulate Creativity
  • Feelings of Peace & Wellness
  • Revitalize yourself through the
  • power of your mind and imagination

Free Guided Meditations are available, try one hereContact the Student Success Center or Student Services for more information at (505) 287-6691.


Student Success Center

Location- Room 125, Martinez Hall,2nd Floor

Hours - Monday - Thursday 8:00 AM- 6:00 PM - Friday 8 AM-5 PM



Student Program Coordinator Sr- Cheryl Miles

Assistant Testing Coordinator - Ashlyn Foster

Phone Number - (505) 287-6691 or (505) 287-6640


Tutoring Services

Tutoring is available online or in-person in Room 125 during tutoring hours.
Tutors are willing to help in any subject. Appointments for later hours can be scheduled, but must be at least three days in advance. Contact Cheryl at (505) 287-6640 for details. For more tutor options go to Brainfuse




Mon & Wed 1:30-3:30




All Subjects

Mon & Wed 1-6, Thurs 9-6 and Fri 9-5




Mon & Wed 9-1:30

Tues & Thurs 9-5




Mon & Wed 11-3

testing center with computers

To Schedule Proctoring for an NMSU or Non-NMSU related Course:

Both you and your instructor, respectively, need to fill out the forms below requesting a date and time within the hours of availability.

Testing Requirements 

You must provide a  current  photo ID (   government issued  ) that includes your First and Last Name. If you do not provide a  valid ID  you will not be testing.  NO EXCEPTIONS.
Personal belongings are not permitted in testing room. Lockers are available for storage.  On the day of your exam, studying is not permitted once you enter the Testing Center.   Once your exam has begun, you are not permitted to leave the building.   If you are  unaffiliated  with  NMSU  . You will be charged a  $15.00 proctor fee  to be paid on the day of your exam.     
WARNING!!  If caught or suspected of academic dishonesty while testing, you will be asked to leave.  Tests will not be scored!     
  Security Check Procedures
  • ID's will be checked for photo, date of birth, and signature. If the information does not match registration
    records, you will not be allowed to test.
  • Glasses will be checked for any spyware, google glasses, notes, or other alterations.
  • Candidates' arms, hands, or other extremities will be checked for writing, notes, and other markings.
  • Candidates' neckline and hair will be checked for notes and obscured items.
  • Candidates' will empty the contents of their pockets and place items in a secure locker for the duration
    of the test. No outside items will be allowed in the testing area.

Testing Center FAQ

Pearson VUE is the global leader in computer-based testing for IT, academic, government, and professional programs. Commonly proctored exams include the GED, NES, Comp TIA, Cisco, EMT, and Pharmacy Tech. Our Testing Center must maintain strict requirements to remain authorized to proctor exams.

ASE, is short for the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence. A non-profit organization that has worked to improve the quality of vehicle repair and service. By testing and certifying automotive professionals. ASE certifications are sponsored by Prometric and offered year-round.

The HiSet exam, a GED alternative. Is one of three tests used by the United States to measure high school equivalency skills. ETS (Educational Testing Service) works closely with states to make sure the HiSET exam closely. So they reflect the skills of a high school graduate and to provide a fair, rigorous exam.

ACCUPLACER is an integrated system of computer-adaptive assessments designed to evaluate students'; skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. It is used by NMSU-Grants as the college entrance exam to determine course placement for freshman students.

Access TutorMe Service:

  • Log-in to
  • Open Canvas Portal
  • Select " Courses"
  • Scroll down to TutorMe to launch



Use access code,Nmsugrants-studentspcs, for Vita Navis. 

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