Dual Credit

NMSU Grants: Dual Credit Program

Dual Credit is a state-wide program established to increase educational options and opportunities for high school, and home-schooled, students. Eligible students are allowed to enroll in college level courses, simultaneously earning credit at both secondary and post-secondary levels. Dual Credit exposes students to college level responsibilities. Allows students to investigate career options that schools and districts otherwise could not provide. Offers students a low cost/no cost pathway to earning college credits before they graduate from high school. If you wish to participate in the Dual Credit Program, you must first consult with your High School Counselor.

Patrick Clingman | VPSS
Email: ppc@nmsu.edu
Telephone: (505) 287-6628
Lisa Whitmore | VPSS
Telephone: (505) 287-6629

Qualifying for Dual Credit

You may be eligible for Dual Credit courses. If you are a current junior or senior from one of the high schools participating in Grants’ Dual Credit Program. Private school and home-school students may also be eligible. Students interested in dual credit must meet the following requirements:
  • Must be a high school Junior/Senior with a GPA of 3.0 or higher (2.0 for Applied and Technical courses). or a Sophomore with a GPA of 3.75 or higher (2.5 for Applied and Technical courses).
  • Obtain approval from high school guidance counselor
  • Obtain approval from parent or guardian

New Students

Application Process:

- Applying
- Registration

Students new to the program  OR students who did not take classes the previous year must complete the following:
Online Application
Dual Credit Packet

  • Complete the Online Application
  • Download the forms in the Dual Credit Packet   or  pick up the forms from your high school counselor
  • Meet with your counselor to discuss course selection, receive approval, and have the packet signed
  • Retrieve a copy of your most recent high school transcript
  • Once the all the required documents have been collected. Email the completed packet to   ssgrants@nmsu.edu  or deliver it in person to the NMSU Grants main office in Martinez Hall.

*Incomplete forms will not be processed and will be returned to the student/parent

Continuing Students

Application Process:

- Registration

Students continuing with their dual enrollment from the prior year must fill out the Dual Credit Packet:
Dual Credit Packet

  • Download the forms in the Dual Credit Packet   or  pick up the forms from your high school counselor
  • Meet with your counselor to discuss course selection, receive approval, and have the packet signed
  • Retrieve a copy of your most recent high school transcript
  • Once the all the required documents have been collected. Email the completed packet to   ssgrants@nmsu.edu  or deliver it in person to the NMSU Grants main office in Martinez Hall.

*Incomplete forms will not be processed and will be returned to the student/parent

Important Notice! If you drop or fail a Dual Credit course(s) it may affect your eligibility to receive future financial aid. Including the Bridge and/or Lottery scholarship.

Grants High School Pine Hill High School Thoreau High School
Laguna Acoma High School Quemado High School To'Hajiille Community School
New Mexico Connections Academy Ramah High School Tse Yi Gai High School
New Mexico Home School Students Zuni High School N/A