About NMSU Grants

NMSU-Grants is a two-year branch community college of New Mexico State University located in Grants, NM. We serve the local communities in Cibola and McKinley counties, including the Pueblos of Acoma, Laguna, and Zuni, as well as Tohajiilee, San Mateo, San Rafael, Cubero, the City of Grants, and the Village of Milan. With our culturally diverse population, we are one of the few colleges who have been served by both a Hispanic Serving Institution (Title V) and Native American Serving Non-Tribal Institution grants. We are proud of the good relations we have with our tribal and non-tribal neighbors. Collaboration between the university and these local communities is a notable standout for NMSU-Grants.
We offer 15 two-year Associate degrees, 14 certificate programs, and multiple 2x2 transfer paths to finish your degree in 4-years at NMSU. Even if you are not ready for college, you can complete your GED through our Adult Basic Education services offered at the college. Non-credit programs offered through Community Services and Continuing Education programs provide a variety of educational, personal interest, and enrichment programs for all ages. In addition, we offer evening and online courses to meet the lived situations of our students who might have work or family obligations.
Regardless of your educational, cultural, or financial history, at NMSU-Grants we believe every student can make their academic goals a reality, and we are committed to being there for you through the entire process. You can’t find a better educational value than NMSU-Grants.
Mission, Vision, & Values Statements

Mission Statement
NMSU Grants provides an accessible quality education through innovative teaching and learning that promotes respect and service
for our diverse students and community.
Vision Statement
" To embrace innovation in teaching and learning to promote a sustainable prosperous community. "
Values Statement
NMSU Grants Institutional Learning Outcomes
- Critical Thinking & Problem Solving - Actively and skillfully engage in the process of analyzing and evaluating in order to make judgments to solve problems.
- Goal Setting & Initiative - Develop self-motivation and self-confidence in identifying and ranking priorities for achievements in life.
- Technology & Information Literacy - Use technology effectively as a tool for communication and to complete tasks as well as to locate, evaluate and use information.
- Professionalism - Use time management to meet deadlines and approach collaborations objectively.
- Citizenship - Improve and affect positive change in communities at all levels including sustainability and global issues.
- Lifelong Learning - Expose students to new and diverse modes of learning to spark a continuing quest for knowledge.
- Reading/Writing/Math Ability - Acquire foundational abilities in reading, writing, and math that will enhance future studies, career, and citizenship.
- Diversity & Cultural Value - Celebrate and enhance students’ sense of identity while encouraging inclusion and empathy.
- Communication Skills - Practice essential listening, speaking, writing, and other forms of communication to advance and share ideas.
- Ethics - Develop principles and standards of behavior supporting honesty and integrity while avoiding dishonesty and harm.
- Commitment & Leadership - Cultivate perseverance and the ability to move ideas and positions forward.
- Creativity - Foster and amplify innovation and imagination by connecting creative efforts to enhance life experiences.
Campus History

On August 1969, the college moved to its present site, previously home to the Grants Job Corps Center. During 1977-78 a main building was constructed to house academic classrooms, a student lounge, the library, and faculty/administrative offices. The former Job Corp Vocational Building and gymnasium were also renovated at that time.In 1980-81, the gymnasium was completely remodeled, extensive landscaping was completed, and four additional rooms were added to the Main Building: two art rooms at the north end and a lecture room/adult learning center at the south end.
By 1984, an additional 20,800 square feet were added resulting in a total of 79,197 square feet. The Automotive, Electrical, and Welding programs were moved from the former vocational building to more modern and spacious facilities. Enlarged quarters for the Adult Learning Center and two computer laboratories were added.
The main building was dedicated in May 1987, christened as the “Walter K. Martinez Memorial Hall,” in memory of the former State Representative who served from 1966-1984 as State Representative then as Speaker of the House from 1971-1978. During his tenure in the legislature, the NMSU Grants Campus received significant appropriations for capital improvements to plan, remodel, and construct the present physical plant.Martinez’s leadership in establishing the Severance Tax Permanent Fund was one of his most outstanding contributions. Through this permanent fund, a revenue source was created to fund higher education and other state capital outlay projects.

In October 1993, the gymnasium was dedicated as the “Joseph A. Fidel Activities Center” in recognition of the New Mexico State Senator. Senator Fidel, respected friend and mentor of NMSU Grants Campus, was instrumental in forming the college while serving on the Grants-Cibola County School Board. His unending support for the continued growth of the university continues through his effective representation in the State Senate.

During the 1993-94 academic year, new offices were remodeled for faculty, new classrooms were constructed in the annex building, administrative office space was enlarged, and a new, larger bookstore was built. Come 1998, the remaining Job Corps building on campus was named in honor of Francis W. (Frank) McClure to recognize his crucial role in the university’s successful beginning. During the 1999-2000 school year, the building was refurbished, with new entrances, new carpet and tile, enlarged hallways, and newly painted walls.It currently houses the Building Trades program, the Computer Science & Creative Media programs, faculty offices, the art lab, early college partnership with the school district, and several redecorated classrooms.In 2001 the University obtained full title to its property and facilities. Until October 2001 the federal government was the rightful and legal owner.

In the intervening years, the NMSU Grants campus remained relatively unchanged save for small renovations. Then, in 2015, under the leadership of President Felicia Casados a proposal was taken before the Grants-Cibola County School Board once more.
Fall of that year the proposal passed a local bond election granting approval and funding for the construction of two new structures on the Grants Campus. Additionally, as part of the expansion the Child Development Center would have access to vastly more robust facilities. President Casados elected to retire in October 2016 as a 1-year planning and design stage was underway. Dr. Harry Sheski served as Interim President overseeing the next stages of the development.
Groundbreaking for the construction of the buildings occurred in March 2017. Mickey D. Best (Ph.D.) officially succeeded Felicia Casados on June 1st, 2017 as Campus President of NMSU Grants to oversee the completion of the project. January 2019, the new facilities entered into use. The new building complex was christened “Lucy Belle Ma Hall” in honor and recognition of long time faculty and staffer Lucy Ma at NMSU Grants. Notably, her estate to this day provides students with opportunities through the “Lucy Ma Endowment” scholarship. These new facilities the “Teacher & Healthcare Education” building and “Child Development Center” are dedicated to her life and memory. They mark our continued commitment and belief in access to higher education for all people.

Campus Policies
Academic Misconduct
Students who wish to appeal a grade will need to follow the procedures outlined below. The academic appeals process requires a series of steps whether the appeal is being initiated by faculty or students. If you wish to proceed with an appeal, click here to go to the Academic misconduct page.
New Mexico State University (NMSU) Grants. Offers several programs leading to professional licensure or certification within the State of New Mexico. These may also meet the requirements in other states. However, since requirements for licensure or certification vary in each state. There is no guarantee of obtaining licensure or certification outside of New Mexico.
Beginning July 1, 2020. The U.S. Department of Education requires institutions to provide information about their programs that lead to licensure or certification. Specifically, whether a program meets, does not meet, or has not yet been determined if it meets. Licensure/certification requirements in all the U.S. states and territories. It’s recommended you review NMSU’s Professional Licensure Disclosures BEFORE you enroll in a program. Please be advised that state laws, regulations, and policies may change at any time. Which can impact the program's ability to meet educational requirements for licensure or certification.
Due to the different state/territory licensing requirements. Relocating during a program can impact a student’s ability to continue a program, meeting eligibility requirements in another state. and/or receiving financial aid. If relocating, students should contact their program to check for state authorization and licensure eligibility requirements.
For more information about programs at NMSU Grants. That lead to professional licensure please see NMSU’s Professional Licensure Disclosures or contact:
Marlene Chavez-Toivanen
Campus Executive and Academic Officer
(505) 287-6641
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students with disabilities who need special services in the classroom or have difficulty gaining access to any university building, should contact the Vice President for Student Services at (505) 287-6628. More on Accessibility
NMSU is required to provide to you information in accordance with Federal Regulation 34 CFR Part 86 of the Department of Education and the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act. You can access the information by visiting the NMSU Police Department or their website and selecting the “ Annual Reports” link on the left-hand menu. View the most recent Annual Security Report .
The Vice President for Student Affairs (NMSU Las Cruces) establishes and enforces non-academic standards of conduct for all NMSU students. The Vice President for Student Services, Patrick Clingman, enforces conduct for the Grants campus. You may obtain information here: Student Code of Conduct or from Student Services.
Children should not be left unattended or be permitted to disrupt classes. The Child Development Center , on the NMSU Grants campus, offers childcare to students, faculty, and staff for children, ages 6 weeks to 12 years, for an established fee. The center is currently operated by our partner: " Small Wonders Child Care."
Contact Small Wonders Child Care Center, 287-3868. | Apply early as there is often a waiting list. The Center does not offer “ drop in ” care.
Title IX of the Education and Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education. NMSU Grants has unequivocally committed itself to assure a work and learning environment with dignity and respect for the individual. More on Title IX