NMSU Grants - Aggie Cupboard

Aggie Cupboard


Vision " We envision a campus community free from hunger and fully able to be successful at NMSU Grants. We desire to see students completely able to pursue academic success free from the worry of hunger. We believe that the NMSU Grants community and the larger Cibola County community already possess the resources and generosity necessary to support each other in times of need and seek to mobilize that potential. "

" We recognize that New Mexico ranks high among the states in the US with the most food insecurity, among children and the general population, and that the demographics of our NMSU Grants community reflect those of New Mexico in many ways. "

" As the state's land grant institution, NMSU has a proud history of making higher education accessible to all. We endeavor to continue that work through our efforts. "

Mission The Mission of the Grants Aggies Cupboard is to provide free supplementary food assistance to the NMSU Grants community, including students, adult education students, faculty, and staff.

We strive to create an atmosphere of care, concern, and support for those who may be struggling with food insecurity.

The Grants Aggies Cupboard works to educate on the prevalence of food insecurity and hunger experienced by the NMSU Grants community.